

Delivering AI-powered solutions that boosting user satisfaction, conversions, and reach.

General Information:

Industry: Country:
Healthcare USA

Platform: Website:
On-Prem, Web -

Key Challenges:

High volume of mammography screenings leading to radiologist workload. Difficulty in detecting early-stage breast cancers. Variability in radiological interpretations and risk of human error.

Solution Highlights:

The system uses AI algorithms to analyze mammograms, detecting various abnormalities and classifying breast tissue density. Automated interpretation of findings according to Bi-RADS standards. Fast processing time (under 60 seconds for a set of images). High accuracy in interpreting images, with over 95% accuracy in line with Bi-RADS.


Significant reduction in analysis time per study, improving radiologist efficiency. Improved early detection rates of breast cancer. Decreased risk of diagnostic errors. Processed over 20,000 studies in pilot projects.

Technologies used:

  • Pytorch
  • Python
  • OpenCV
  • AWS
  • Docker
  • React
  • MongoDB

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