
GolfPro AI

To enhance golfing skills for both amateur and professional golfers through AI-driven analysis.

General Information:

Industry: Country:
Sports New Zealand

Platform: Website:
Web, Mobile, Edge -

Key Challenges:

Difficulty in identifying personal skill gaps for golfers. Lack of personalized training and feedback. Need for precise analysis of golf techniques.

Solution Highlights:

GolfPro AI uses computer vision to analyze golfers' play, capturing key metrics like swing, posture, and hit accuracy. Provides tailored feedback and improvement plans based on individual performance. Incorporates video analysis for detailed technique assessment.


Golfers experience a 30% improvement in their overall performance. 50% increase in precision of swings and hits after using the system. High user satisfaction, with 80% of users reporting noticeable improvements in their game.

Technologies used:

  • OpenCV
  • TensorFlow
  • Python
  • AWS
  • Flutter
  • Tableau

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