

An AI-based solution for monitoring the health of bananas and their leaves, aimed at early problem detection and improving crop yield.

General Information:

Industry: Country:
Agriculture Israel

Platform: Website:
Web, Edge (Nvidia Jetson)

Key Challenges:

Difficulties in early detection of diseases and infestations in banana plants. Variability in manual monitoring methods. Need for rapid and accurate assessment to prevent spread of issues.

Solution Highlights:

Utilizes computer vision and AI algorithms to analyze images of bananas and leaves. Capable of identifying early signs of diseases, nutrient deficiencies, and pest infestations. Provides real-time alerts and recommendations for treatment.


Improved early detection of plant health issues by 40%, enabling faster response. Increase in banana crop yield by up to 35% due to timely and accurate problem identification. Reduction in manual monitoring efforts by 50%, significantly cutting down labor costs. User adoption rate: More than 10 farms within the first year, with a customer satisfaction rate of 85%.

Technologies used:

  • Python
  • TensorFlow
  • OpenCV
  • AWS
  • Docker
  • RESTful APIs
  • MongoDB.

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